  >  Travel   >  France (Page 2)

Finding a good place to exchange money in Nice was a little more work than I wanted it to be so I thought this guide might be helpful for others looking to do the same. I know that France is usually pretty good about taking credit cards, but there were two main reasons why I need the euros. First, I wanted to eat at Chez Pipo (so good btw!) and they only take cash. The


You might be wondering where exactly can you get a French Health Pass or your 72-Hour QR code if you haven't received your official one through the France Diplomacy website as I did. Well, there are a couple of options for you once you land in France. Either you go to a pharmacy and take a COVID test that will grant you a 72-hour QR code or you will have to find a pharmacy that


If you are a U.S. Citizen and are planning a trip to France, then you've probably heard that you need a French Health Pass or Pass Sanitaire. Technically, you can still enter the country without the pass, but if you plan on going to restaurants and bars, you will need a French Health Pass. If you've been following me on my Instagram stories, then you would know that I'm currently in the south of France